This course will focus on North Carolina’s unique constitutional history and principles, comparing the text and structure of the North Carolina Constitution to the United States Constitution. The course will use Chief Justice Paul Newby and Professor John Orth’s book The North Carolina State Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2013) and will incorporate outside speakers, including judges and lawyers who practice in the area. The course will be assessed through a research paper on the text, history, interpretation, and public policy implications of a particular provision of the North Carolina constitution.
This is an introductory course on Environmental Justice Law. Although no federal environmental justice laws have been enacted, federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), have made efforts to work with other federal agencies to integrate environmental justice into policies and practices. Environmental justice theory and practice begins with the recognition that environmental goods (such as clean air and water) and environmental harms (such as toxic waste) are not always distributed equitably among populations. This course will examine the various bases for these disparate impacts and will look for solutions grounded in law, policy, and practice.
This course is an intensive writing course that simulates the work of a judicial clerk. Students research, draft, and edit a bench memo, a majority and dissenting opinion in a state appeal, and an order in a federal trial court case. Students also observe an oral argument. Guest speakers (judges and law clerks) address students several times during the semester.
This writing-intensive course focuses on several hot topics in health law, including public health issues, physician employment contracts, regenerative medicine and the right to try, and telemedicine. The content units will be taught through a series of simulations and case files. While learning substantive health care law, the students will also draft and/or critique both transactional and litigation-based documents.
This course offers an overview of the historical, legal, and policy framework for food and agriculture in the United States. Agricultural and food laws and regulations play a vital role in determining both the health outcomes for our nation and the level of environmental impact on shared natural resources such as air, water, soil, and biodiversity. The course discusses federal environmental statutes in the context of food and agricultural production and provides an introduction to the U.S. Farm Bill, pesticides, farmed animal welfare, genetically modified foods, food access, food safety, and labeling schemes.
In this course, we will attempt to come to grips with the right to keep and bear arms as a matter of law. We will do so by thoroughly examining the constitutional history, theory, and practice of gun rights and regulation in the United States. We will cover the foundational Supreme Court cases as well as the broader historical and political debates in which they are embedded, and the theoretical questions they raise. Our goal is to understand both the relevant legal doctrine and the context in which that doctrine is embedded.
Freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are two distinct but often conflated rights, both of which have been integral in United States legal and political discourse since before its founding. This course will examine the history of these rights and invite students to ask why these legal protections exist, what presuppositions led these protections to be structured as they are, and whether they might profitably be restructured in the future. As part of this course, we will examine theoretical underpinnings of what the conscience is understood to be and how it fits into a general “moral anthropology” (the latter loosely defined as an understanding of how persons determine right and wrong). The tension between personal and communal conceptions of the conscience will also be explored.
This course focuses on the laws regarding the status, treatment, and disposition of human remains. We are in the midst of a "death revolution" in the United States - cremation rates are rising fast and traditional funeral service providers are under stress. This course examines these trends and the role that the law is playing in shaping and responding to social norms and economic realities. Students will engage in significant legal research and writing in this course, "representing" a non-traditional funeral services provider and analyzing the provider's ability to operate under existing laws.
As a matter of baseline knowledge, law students should have a better understanding of business entities and our complex economy. The purpose of this class is to give students a working knowledge of essential concepts in business. The class focuses on teaching useful intellectual skills associated with a working knowledge of accounting, financial statement analysis, finance, valuation, capital structure, financial instruments, capital markets, corporate transactions, operations, and business strategy. The course concepts are interconnected and their mastery serves two purposes: (1) to better appreciate a business client's legal problems; and (2) to better appreciate concepts seen in other upper-level courses such as Business Organizations, Securities Regulation, Corporate Finance, Bankruptcy, Taxation, Business Planning, Mergers & Acquisitions, and any other business-related course. No prior business experience or exposure is required or necessary.
This course will examine the current legal, political, social, and technological aspects of US privacy law. Topics will include traditional privacy theory and torts; contracts; commercial and financial privacy; medical privacy; cyberlaw privacy (i.e., metadata, cookies, cybersecurity, revenge pornography); governmental privacy (i.e., surveillance, freedom of information, leakers like Edward Snowden); workplace privacy (i.e., algorithmic decision-making, trade secrecy); and international developments (i.e., the European Data Protection Directive, "right to be forgotten").
The Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization rejected the idea of a constitutional right to abortion grounded in substantive due process. Scholars and advocates have long argued, however, for the fundamental right to abortion based on alternative legal frameworks. This course will cover the basic liberty/privacy framework as announced in Roe v. Wade and rejected in Dobbs, but then expand the frame to consider some of these alternative frameworks – including those based on other constitutional provisions as well as those based on state constitutions, international law, and common law principles.
Students who complete the course will be exposed to the role of the lawyer lobbyist in the shaping of state and federal public policy. The course is designed to provide students with the historical and legal background of legislative advocacy. Students will gain the practical skills necessary to succeed in the legislative advocacy field. The goals of this course are for the students to understand how to effectively advocate on behalf of a cause, company, or non-profit entity, review laws and regulations affecting lobbying and lobbyists, and comprehend the competitive landscape of public policy. It is the goal of this course to effectively train students in all the essential ideas necessary to become an influential advocate before a state legislature or the United States Congress.
This course will leverage research findings from psychology and neuroscience to explore the intersection of mental health, performance, and professional identity development for law students and lawyers. Topics include anxiety and stress, depression and suicide, anger management, grief/loss, burnout, compassion fatigue, substance abuse and process addictions, impaired cognition, over-functioning, "active bystander" training, navigating law firm culture, and preparing for a satisfying legal career.
This writing-intensive course focuses on several hot topics in health law, including public health issues, physician employment contracts, regenerative medicine and the right to try, and telemedicine. The content units will be taught through a series of simulations and case files. While learning substantive healthcare law, the students will also draft and/or critique both transactional and litigation-based documents.
This course will touch on each of these interconnected areas of law: Food, Agriculture, and the Environment; however, we will focus on the “Ag” in our course title. We at Wake Forest Law are lucky to have many adjacent courses in Food and the Environment, including Animal Law; Energy Law; Environmental Law (course and clinic!); Environmental Justice; FDA Law; Food Law; and Natural Resources. (I can also recommend Biotech Law and Policy, Immigration Law, International Trade Law, Land Use Regulation and Planning, Lobbying Theory and Practice, Real Estate Finance, Regulatory Law and Policy, and our tax courses for those interested in an Ag Law practice.) That said, you can’t separate agriculture from food or the environment, for they are intertwined, as we will see. During this course, we will, among other things: consider the role of the Farm Bill in food production, critique various federal farm support programs, study the distinct attributes of farm finance, analyze the pros and cons of industrialized agriculture, and consider the role land ownership and use plays in US agriculture.
A detailed study of one or more selected aspects of criminal procedure. The topics covered in recent years have included sentencing law, police accountability, and the jurisprudence of the death penalty.
This seminar explores the foundational beliefs that define our legal system. We will study how leading thinkers have conceived of the law during the Classical Era, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and Modern Times. This class will challenge you to think about thinking.
This course will broadly study American poverty, poverty programs, and constitutional, federal, state, and municipal laws that directly affect the poor. Students will survey wealth disparities in the U.S. through demographic data relating to income, educational attainment, housing, access to medical care, and voting.
A study of the law of state and local government, legislative and municipal process, bill drafting, and interest groups. Guest speakers include state and local legislators, mayors, and elected officials. Study of the role of the lawyer in public process and representation.
The subject matter includes a variety of communications industries - print media, film, broadcasting, and the Internet - and a variety of legal topics - copyright infringement, defamation, censorship, and privacy. The course focuses on the impact of new technologies on the topic.
This course introduces students to the structure, financing, and regulation of the health care system and proposals for its reform. Legal topics include Medicare, medical staff disputes, health care antitrust, tax exemption, corporate organization, and insurance regulation.
Explores the development and use of artificial intelligence as it applies to legal institutions, analyzing legal cases involving artificial intelligence, and evaluating legal frameworks for regulating artificial intelligence.
An overview of federal antitrust law or competition law, including laws related to agreements restraining trade (especially agreements between competitors), monopolization and attempted monopolization, unfair trade practices, and merger policy and practice. These topics are relevant to all businesses and their lawyers. The course focuses on learning the fundamentals and a practical approach for counseling clients in this area.
This course is a study of the policy and constitutional underpinnings of the U.S. Patent System including consideration of economic justifications; exploration of basic requirements of patentability including patentable subject matter, novelty, and non-obviousness; overview of U.S. Patent Office procedures; exploration of patent infringement standards and procedures including claim construction, determination of liability, defenses and remedies; and consideration of the role of patents in business transactions and licensing.
In this course, you will be exposed to major court decisions that have shaped elementary and secondary education in the U.S. Although we will at times discuss the legal authority and legal problems faced by private schools and institutions of higher education, the emphasis of the course is K-12 public and charter schools and the unique challenges faced by these governmental entities. A broad range of education law topics will be covered at a very quick pace, including compulsory education; the establishment clause; local board control; the use of school facilities; desegregation; gender equality; student rights; special education; and the rights of public employees.
A two-credit seminar-style course in which students study recent developments in key areas of employment law including, but not limited to, discrimination; harassment; retaliation; accommodation; wages and hours; safety and health; labor law; and common-law claims. The course often focuses on circuit splits and recent agency rulings. Each student must write a research paper and make a class presentation on the research.
A survey of the significant laws and policies of the European Community, including the legal and institutional framework, the internal market, competition and environmental laws, and an overview of external relations and commercial policy.
This course examines the legal issues associated with technology, with a particular focus on the Internet. Among other topics, the course covers primers on the technical underpinnings of the Internet, the regulation of Internet access and domain names; contract formation, execution, and enforceability; jurisdiction and choice of law; speech; intellectual property focus; artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things. A background in computer science and/or intellectual property law is not required.
A study of a wide range of international transactions, including marketing of goods and services; license or transfer of technology; distribution and franchising; joint ventures; finance and governmental regulation. Various multi-lateral initiatives, such as the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods, will be discussed. Discussion and analysis of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
This course will explore religious freedom as defined by the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Described as the “first freedom,” the concept of religious freedom has figured prominently in a variety of culture clashes during the past few decades, including same-sex marriage; racial justice advocacy; reproductive rights; immigration; and pandemic-related regulations. These clashes have legal implications as the Supreme Court has considered a religion-related case almost every year of the Roberts Court. While principally focused on the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses, this course will also give attention to other aspects of religious freedom such as the relevant aspects of the Free Speech Clause and federal statutes and state laws relating to religious freedom. This course will offer a greater examination of religious freedom than provided in Constitutional Law classes by exploring familiar topics and cases in greater depth, while also introducing new areas for analysis and discussion. Major topics will include the sociological foundation for religion; the history of religious freedom in the United States; the current law governing religious accommodations; and the current law implementing the Establishment Clause.
This course focuses on the basics of copyright law, including the subject matter of copyright; how copyright is secured and maintained; the scope of protection; and the duration, renewal, and transfer of rights. It also explores the enforcement of copyright, the impact of new technologies, and issues relating to access and use of copyrightable subject matter.
The course will include problems and writing assignments to help students learn new areas (ones we were unable to cover in Constitutional Law I) and explore familiar areas in greater depth. Topics that may be covered will include the creation of the media in the Founding Era, a couple of historical controversies as a lens to understand free expression issues, is there a First Amendment freedom of expression right to receive, in the privacy of one's home, sexually oriented materials that meet the obscenity test (e.g., over the computer, cable, etc.), first amendment rights of government employees, free expression and secrecy orders in civil cases, political gerrymanders and the First Amendment, the tension between freedom of expression and other interests in student free speech rights in public schools, and more.
This course will explore questions central to public law issues in the United States and across the world. It will consider the purposes for which constitutions are established, and the processes of constitution-making and constitutional change. Students will write a paper contrasting the constitutional law on a particular topic of a given country with the comparable law in the United States. Weekly films will explore the culture of the countries selected by the students for their papers.
This seminar is intended for students who are already familiar with the main contours of intellectual property law and would like to explore the subject further. During the semester students will explore in-depth a variety of material (such as law review articles, book chapters, and other media) related to the selected topic. Each student will research and write an academic paper related to the selected topic. The draft of the paper will be presented and discussed in class. Students will then produce a final version of the paper, with an aim of producing a paper of publishable quality. Prerequisite: Any one of the following courses: Intellectual Property Survey, Copyright Law, Patent Law, Trademark Law, or the IP Clinical course.
Introduces U.S. housing law and policy with a focus on low and moderate income tenants as well as homeowners. Examines the history of housing policies and problems, public housing and federally subsidized housing, habitability and code enforcement, foreclosure, gentrification, eviction, and fair housing law. Students will develop an understanding of the legal, social, and historic underpinnings of contemporary housing challenges, and how these insights inform advocacy strategies to promote housing justice.
Intimate relationships are deeply personal, yet they are also subject to extensive state regulation. Laws attempt to balance the desires of individuals and the needs of society. But that can often be challenging. How should the state safeguard people’s ability to pursue personal happiness, while at the same time ensure that individuals behave responsibly towards others? Can the government stay out of private spaces and simultaneously protect individuals from oppression and abuse? Is it possible for the law to recognize a variety of intimate relationships without privileging some over others?
This course will take up these and other questions, asking how, when, and why the state regulates intimate relationships. Students will discuss the tradeoffs that these regulations require between the rights to privacy, autonomy, and equality. The course will consequently both provide an overview of current regulatory frameworks as well as challenge students to think about what the law should be as a normative matter.
Students will write a biography of a justice of the Supreme Court. The first part of the course will examine the nature of history; the second part will consist of studying the justices students have selected. Weekly films will explore the eras of American history the justices represent.
This course taught as a seminar, examines the advocacy skills that lawyers use in regulatory practice to persuade agencies to adopt actions that their clients favor. Any student who thinks she or he might practice in front of a regulatory agency should benefit from the course.
A survey of legal, ethical, and policy issues regarding non-human animals. Topics include anti-cruelty laws; medical and scientific research; liability for injuries to, or caused by animals; hunting laws; and standing for animals.
This course will examine how the law affects women’s lives in a number of different contexts. The class will consider a number of different areas, including but not limited to employment, education, family responsibilities, violence against women, and other issues affecting women’s bodies, including pornography and prostitution. The class will also review a number of feminist legal theories and issues relating to the intersection of gender with race and class.
This seminar will examine and assess the legal regimes nations have developed to address international and global environmental problems, including climate change, ozone depletion, marine pollution, and the extinction of species.
The course will teach and compare French, American, and EU tort doctrine in a variety of areas such as (1) pure economic loss (both in negligence and intentional torts like fraud/intentional interference with contractual relations, etc.); (2) liability for traffic accidents, specifically autonomous vehicles; (3) product liability (including artificial intelligence); (4) liability for violations of privacy; (5) liability in tort between contracting parties (the borderline between tort and contract law); (6) damages/punitive damages; (7) governmental immunity; and (8) systemic topics such as contingency fees arrangements, the payment of legal fees, public advocacy, access to justice, and the various ethical and justice concerns that arise in each country’s approach. Learning objectives include not only helping students gain an understanding of tort doctrine in these jurisdictions but also developing the skills necessary to apply and critique the doctrine to the facts of new cases. Special attention will be brought to critiquing American tort law from a European perspective—what are we getting right/wrong? What societal goals are we sacrificing that Europeans have embraced? Vice versa? What are the relative merits of structural differences in access to justice, procedural requirements, jury v. bench trials, extensive judicial opinions, etc.? We will also explore ethical and character issues to which each system gives rise.